Original Sacred Artwork
Altarpieces ◊ Murals ◊ Devotional Paintings ◊ More
We believe that authentic beauty, grounded in truth, is integral to human flourishing.
We are inspired by the Western Christian imagination, steeped in the aesthetic tradition of the Old Masters, and powered by the creative vision of artists George and Polly Capps.
We aim to answer the challenges of our present age by nourishing the human soul.
What's New
The fourth installment of our Making of a Painting series explores the historical background and artistic process behind the creation of our portrayal of Servant of God Nicholas Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota holy man whose cause for canonization was recently opened.
In the Studio
We are pleased to unveil our latest commission, a mural depicting Our Lady of Mt. Carmel flanked by saints. The idealized figures evoke the spirit of the sacra conversazione genre, while the striking trompe l'oeil details create the illusion of architectural depth.